Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 10, 2013 - Therapy Update

We kept Bella little calmer today. She was very weak this morning - couldn't withstand any weight on her right leg - so her exam with the group of neurologists was not great. She had a tough physical therapy session where they tried to introduce a walker. She's not strong enough for that yet.
She won 3 rounds of bingo, painted a vase for me and made a clay dog (that she'll paint tomorrow).
She i...s a little stronger this afternoon and was actually able to take 4 assisted steps before getting too fatigued to continue. The occupational therapist worked with Bella for about 45 minutes this afternoon. She worked on pulling snap beads apart (too difficult), threading blocks on a string and tossing blocks from one side to the other.
One side effect of the treatment is irritability and we definitely see that several times a day. Right now, she's experiencing a silly spell, which is very comforting to see.

Update later that evening:

April 10, 2013 - Seacrest Studios

April 10, 2013 - Day 4

Day 4 at Children's Medical Center in Dallas
"You can only be strong so long before you break". I've been doing a really good job of hiding my emotions from Bella but I failed during the daily church service this morning. It's a good thing that I was behind her (she's getting around only by wheelchair right now) and that Brian was there to talk when I couldn't.
I never imagined I would become intimately familiar with a hospital - especially... a children's hospital. Knowing my way around this floor so well, I can stumble to the nourishment room for coffee when I'm half asleep and know where to find more linens when we need them. I know who to ask for tape and soap and the hours of all the activities they offer for the kids. More than I ever cared to know.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?
- Mom (Nicole)

April 9, 2013 - Day 3 in Hospital

April 9, 2013
Update on Bella: she was perky and ready to go this morning. She discovered some of the amazing amenities in this hospital - really enjoyed the child AND teen "play" rooms and the art studio and did several crafts. She developed new weakness in her left arm and has not yet regained any strength in her legs. Her balance is still very poor.
Faith, Brody & Grandma (my mom) came to visit her. Bella really enjoyed their visit but grew very sad that she couldn't go home with them. Doctors say she pushed herself a little too hard today. She's super tired now. Her 2nd IVIG treatment will start about 10 tonight and last 2 1/2 hours. They find it's better to do the treatments while the kids sleep
- Mom (Nicole)

April 8, 2013 - Thank You & Treatment Starts

April 8, 2013 - Pre-Diagnosis

April 8, 2013

April 8, 2013 - The Diagnosis

With Bella's permission, I am posting updates about her journey on her blog.

April 8, 2013
Bella had an MRI and spinal tap that confirmed a diagnosis.

Hospital Admission-April 7, 2013

I got Bella's permission and  I'm going to post her progress here in addition to fb. I got this idea from a coworker whose cousin had gone through GBS with her son in 2010. I found it helpful to read through her blog nearly 3 years after her family's ordeal. I'm hoping that maybe someday this will provide some comfort or answers to another family and hoping that our friends and family that do not have Facebook accounts can stay better updated this way. I'll start by posting all the updates from the last few weeks.

From April 7th:
Friends and Family, please pray for our 10 year old daughter, Bella. She's been experiencing progressively worse weakening in her legs, has fallen several times, and is being admitted to dallas Children's for observation and additional testing tomorrow
(Mom - Nicole)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Stronger by the Minute

april 14~2O13
GOAL~go home April 24~2013
I'm getting stronger and stronger everyday working my way to health. Hoping to go to school soon. I still miss my dog, friends, and seeing my family everyday,but I will stay strong. I have a suprise for my class tomorrow my lips are sealed.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Welcome to my world

Hey it's Bella I'm starting this blog to tell you about my experience 
I miss school and all my friends, so comment and call and FaceTime me call my mom to get info.